Exhibitions and participation in exhibitions

Since his participation in Peter Greenaway's legendary Vienna exhibition "100 Objects to represent the world" in 1992, Virgil Widrich has been involved in the creation of exhibitions and entire museums in various roles as project manager, conceptual designer, exhibition designer or artistic director.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2025

Klimt. Pigment & Pixel – Rediscovering Art Through Technology

The exhibition "Gustav Klimt. Pigment & Pixel" at the Belvedere Vienna combines art and technology, offering new insights into Klimt's painting techniques. checkpointmedia developed the exhibition design, where originals, technological analyses, and digital reconstructions are presented in three sections.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2023

IMAGE POWER POLITICS: Yoichi Okamoto. Post-war photography icon

Graphic design of the exhibition in the State Hall of the Austrian National Library.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2023


The real-time installation "tx-mirror" by Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich is part of the exhibition "Art in Motion. 100 masterpieces with and through media – An Operative Canon" presented at the Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning in China.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2022


tx-mirror in the exhibition "Understanding Art & Research" – UM Gallery. Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design – Prag – Czech Republic
Exhibition, Film screening, 2021


tx-mirror in the exhibition "Transformations – Abstract art in motion" – Künstlerhaus – Wien
Exhibition, Film screening, 2021


Galerija na katu – Kulturno informativni centar – Zagreb – Croatia
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2021

The Danube. A journey into the past

Graphic design of the spectacular 44-meter reproduction of the famous Pasetti map.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2021


Art Vault Santa Fe – The Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation – Santa Fe – USA
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2020

Music everywhere!

The princely court of Salzburg – a centre of European musical culture 1587 – 1807
19.7.2020 to  2.1.2022, DomQuartier Salzburg
Artistic direction: Virgil Widrich, exhibition design: Hans Kudlich
Exhibition, Film screening, 2020


AIL x Sound:frame Conference: Navigating the postdigital – Angewandte Innovation Lab Vienna – Austria
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2019

sconarium Visitor Centre for Bad Schönau

Artistic director of the exhibition.
Exhibition, 2019

Data Loam

"Data Loam" in the exhibition "Understanding Art & Research" - Yuga gallery and Rittaikobo in cooperation with Tokyo University of the Arts - Tokyo - Japan
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


CODAME Art + Tech Festival 2019 – San Francisco
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


Ars Electronica 2019 – European Platform for Digital Humanism – Postcity – Linz – Austria
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


"Writing the History of the Future" – The ZKM Collection – Karlsruhe
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


Vienna Biennale for Change 2019 – Understanding Art & Research – MAK Museum für angewandte Kunst – Wien
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


The "tx-mirror" by Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich is shown at "The Triennial of Expanded Media, Multimedia Art, and New Media Art" in Belgrade:

"Cvijeta Zuzoric" Pavilion, Mali Kalemegdan 1, Belgrade
18.4.2019, 19:00 until 13.05.2019
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 11:00 to 19:00 hrs.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


The "tx-mirror" is exhibited as part of the VR focus of sound:frame and Diagonale 2019. Curated by Eva Fischer
21. and 22.3.2019, 10.00 to 19.00 o'clock
Designforum Styria, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 17, 8010 Graz, Austria
Exhibition, Film screening, 2019


The "tx-mirror" by Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich is shown in the exhibition "Data Loam": Opening: 25.2.2019, 7 p.m. Exhibition duration: 26.2. to 8.3.2019, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, Franz-Josefs-Kai 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Film production, Exhibition, 2019

Teleplasmatic Views of Vienna

On two corresponding screens the video installation "Teleplasmatic Views of Vienna" deconstructs and reinterprets Vienna's Stephansplatz.
Exhibition, Research, University of Applied Arts, 2019

Data Loam - Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft

Exhibition on the research project on contexts of meaning through categorization and indexation.
Exhibition, Multimedia, 2018

Vienna Design Week 2018 – Voyage Around My Room

Video installation in an endless loop in the former Sophienspital for the Vienna Design Week 2018.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2018

back track

Film contribution to the exhibition "Art in Motion. 100 masterpieces with and through media – An Operative Canon" at the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe
Exhibition, Film screening, 2018


The real-time installation "tx-mirror" by Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich is part of the exhibition "Art in Motion. 100 masterpieces with and through media – An Operative Canon" presented at the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2017

Sound of Music World Salzburg

Exhibition in Salzburg about central stages in the life of the Trapp family, known from "The Sound of Music".
Exhibition, Film screening, 2017


The "tx-transformator" is presented in the exhibition "Aesthetics of change - 150 Years of the University of Applied Arts Vienna" from 15.12.2017 to 15.4.2018 in the MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2017

Aesthetics of change – 150 years of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

The exhibition "Aesthetics of change: 150 Years of the University of Applied Arts Vienna" in two parts casts a glance back onto 150 years of the University’s history, while at the same time daring to look into the future.
Exhibition, 2017

Side by Side

Media installation as part of the exhibition "ANALOG_DIGITAL. Media (Ex)changes" at METRO Kinokulturhaus.
Exhibition, 2017

Memory Palace

The installation “Memory Palace” reflects the house from the film "Night of a 1000 Hours" which has been built using rear projections, backdrops, props, costumes and light and brought to life around the actors for the film.
Exhibition, 2017

Exhibition and retrospective "analog_digital – The Dichotomy of cinema"

On the occasion of the exhibition "Analog_Digital. Media (Ex)Changes" the Filmarchiv Austria is showing a fascinating cross section of national and international analogue/digital cinema in a retrospective curated by Virgil Widrich.
Exhibition, Multimedia, 2017

Vienna Design Week 2017 – Panzerschrank Potemkin

Film director and multimedia artist Virgil Widrich transforms the strongroom of a former bank into a surface for projections.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2017

The Essence17

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, Stage, checkpointmedia, 2017

70 Years of the Marshall Plan

Design and implementation of the anniversary event.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2017

Circuit Training

Exhibition of the classes Art & Science and Site-Specific Art  in cooperation with CERN, art@CMS and HEPHY.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2016


"tx-transform" is shown as part of the exhibition "ReFashioning. Austrian Fashion Art Exhibition" - Liu Haisu Museum - Shanghai/Zhongguo - China
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2016

The Essence16

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2016

[dis]placement – Information through Sound

 Annual exhibition of Art & Science on the topic "Information through Sound".
Exhibition, Film screening, 2016

Copy Shop

Dresden – Motorenhalle, Exhibition "Gestatten, Kästner", Spiegelungen, Widersprüche, Doppelgänger
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2015

Figaro Parallelo

The large-scale media installation "Figaro Parallelo" allows a comparison of recent productions of "The Marriage of Figaro".
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2015

"Parallaxis" – Media installation for the exhibition "A Rush of Color" at the Leopold Museum

Media installation for the exhibition "A Rush of Color – Masterpieces of German Expressionism" at the Leopold Museum Vienna.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2015

The Essence15

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2015


Exhibition "Robot Essay" at MMCA – National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea. Works by Rebecca Horn, Virgil Widrich, Patrick Tresset, Peter William Holden, Kim Sangjin, Rho Jaeoon, SHINSEUNGBACK KIMYONGHUN, EXP LAB
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2013

Funeral Museum at Vienna Central Cemetery

The consortium of checkpointmedia Multimediaproduktionen AG / OMS Objektmanagement Service GmbH was commissioned in June 2013 as sole contractor for the design, construction and furnishing of the new museum.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2014

The Essence14

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2014

Biosphere n+1

Exhibition and transdisciplinary pieces in 3 acts by Art & Science students at the University of Applied Arts at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU).
Exhibition, Lecture, 2014

Biosphere n+1

On 23 June 2014 the symposium "Biosphere n+1" is held in cooperation between University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, "Art & Science".
Exhibition, 2013

Liquid Things

Participation with "Liquid Things" by Roman Kirschner in the exhibition "Out of the box - 10 questions to artistic research".
November 29, 2013 - January 5, 2014
MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2013

Crucial Experiments

An exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna during Vienna Art Week 2013.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2013

Experimenta Heilbronn – Music workshop

checkpointmedia develops and installs a new music workshop with three studios for experimenta Heilbronn.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2013

The Essence13

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2013

14/16, on-site research

Micro-exhibitions at 6 locations by students of Art & Science at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2012


The movie "make/real" is presented as a video installation in the exhibition "Robots - man and machine?" at Technisches Museum Wien (14.12.2012 to 14.07.2013).
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2012

Museum of Natural History Vienna – The Meteorite Gallery

For the reopening of the world’s largest and oldest collection of meteorites in 2012, the vast collection of extraordinary exhibits is expanded by the skilful inclusion of media stations, interactive hands-on stations and animations.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2012

The Essence12

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2012

Erste-Campus-Schauplatz – Visitor centre for Erste Group’s new headquarters

Visitor Centre "Erste Campus-Schauplatz" about the future headquarters of Erste Group on the site of the former Vienna South Railway Station.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2011

Copy Shop

Participation with "Copy Shop" in the exhibition B Hotel at MoMA PS1 from 9.12.2001 to 27.1.2002
Selection Committee: P.S.1 Chief Curator Klaus Biesenbach; Associate Curator Larissa Harris; Associate Curator Daniel Marzona; Joshua Siegel, Assistant Curator, Department of Film and Video, The Museum of Modern Art; and artist Jonathan Horowitz.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2011

Things that talk

Exhibition of the University of Applied Arts/Art & Science at the Museum of Natural History Vienna on the occasion of the Vienna Art Week 2011.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2011

The Essence11

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2011

Copy Shop

Human Frames. Zehn Seelenzustände – 77 Videokünstler und Filmemacher aus Europa und Asien – KIT Kunst im Tunnel – Düsseldorf – Germany
Exhibition, Film screening, 2011

warning triangle

Creation of a found-footage film titled "warning/triangle" for the exhibition "Fetisch Auto. Ich fahre, also bin ich." at the Tinguely Museum Basel (8. June to 9. October 2011) showing a destructive love-triangle between a man, a women and her car.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2011

Parameter{world} - parameters for every or no thing

Annual exhibition of the students of the Master course "Art & Science Visualization" at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2010

Exhibition "90 Years of the Salzburg Festival – The Great World Theatre"

The history of the Salzburg Festival as a accessible spatial sculpture with different layers of mediation in the Salzburg Museum.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2010

The Essence10 – Hyperactive Prototypes

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, 2010


Virgil Widrich produces a film entitled "make/real" for the exhibition "Robot Dreams" which is being staged at the Museum Tinguely in Basel (8 June to 12 Sep. 2010) and the Kunsthaus Graz (8 October 2010 to 20 February 2011).
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2009

Exhibition "Linz. City in Luck" – Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture

The history of Linz was worked out on the basis of different, partly very personal perspectives to a house with many rooms.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2009

The Essence09 – Digital Traces

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2009

Alias in Wonderland

Exhibition of the Department of Digital Art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna at Freiraum/quartier21 Vienna.
Exhibition, University of Applied Arts, 2008

The Essence08 – Digitale Kunst

Annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2008

Krones AG – Company Museum

The corporate museum designed by checkpointmedia presents 50 years of Krones' history and technical developments.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2007

Swarovski Crystal Worlds – Redesign 2007

In the course of the redesign of the Swarovski Crystal Worlds, further attractions attracting the public were conceived and implemented in 2007.
Exhibition, 2006

checkpointmedia GmbH – Multimedia Productions

checkpointmedia at the exhibition "360° Design Austria"
As a starting point for this exhibition, 36 leading Austrian design studios are pinpointed along an axis from Vienna to Vorarlberg from 28 June to 3 September, checkpointmedia among them. The exhibition offers insights into the designers' strategic approaches. A book has been published as an accompaniment to the exhibition. (120 pages, 240 x 297 cm).

Date: 28 June to 3 Sept. 2006.
Location: designforumMQ, quartier 21, Museumsplatz 1/Hof 7, A-1070 Wien
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2006

Mozarthaus Vienna – Multimedia Exhibition

Since 27 January 2006 (Mozart's 250th birthday), this fully refurbished house containing Mozart's former apartment, the only one of his Viennese residences still in existence today, has paid homage to the life and work of the musical genius.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2005

Exhibition – Palais Epstein

Five media stations equipped with high-format 30-inch screens enable visitors to call up texts, pictures, graphics, animation films and short video clips.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2005

Vienna Parliament Visitor Centre

The media stations in the visitor centre of the Austrian Parliament serve to impart knowledge and are integrated into the architecture.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2002

Salzburg Museum – Sattler Panorama

Supplemented by an interactive module, the original Sattler-Panorama is now once again open to the public at the Salzburg Museum
Exhibition, Film screening, 2005

Fast Film

Exhibition participation with film and paper objects at "Dreams are my reality," La B*A*N*K, Emerging Art and More... 
42, rue Volta - 75003 Paris, 23.09.2005 to 19.11.2005, Monday to Saturday, 11:00 to 19:00.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2005

Copy Shop

"Dreams are my reality," La B*A*N*K, Emerging Art and More... 42, rue Volta - 75003 Paris, 23.09.2005 to 19.11.2005, Monday to Saturday, 11:00 to 19:00.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2004

Fast Film

Participation in the exhibition "Bewegung im statischen Bild" on the occasion of the Simon von Stampfer Symposium.
Vienna University of Technology, TU, Prechtlsaal, Vienna
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2004

Hans-Moser-Exhibition – Austrian Theatre Museum

The exhibition Hans Moser on the popular Austrian actor and the virtual national institution was one of the most successful exhibitions ever held in the Austrian Theatre Museum.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2003

Swarovski Kristallwelten – Redesign 2003

The Crystal Worlds, designed by André Heller in Wattens, Tyrol, was opened in 1995 for Swarovski's 100th anniversary. Since then it has been continually expanded and further attractions have been added.
Exhibition, Film screening, 2003

Fast Film

10. Biennale of Moving Images – Geneva – Switzerland
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2003

Red Bull Hangar-7 – Multimedia Staging

Extensive multimedia planning and implementation of Red Bull Hangar-7 at Salzburg Airport.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2003

Exhibition "Archbishop Paris Lodron" at the Dommuseum Salzburg

For the exhibition "Archbishop Paris Lodron (1619-1653), Statesman between War and Peace" at the Salzburg Dommuseum, checkpointmedia designed and installed a complex projection installation and an information display for the entrance hall of the Salzburg Dommuseum.
Exhibition, 2002

Copy Shop

Participation in the group exhibition "SALON 2002. im zentrum: diskurs. Neuaufnahmen 1990-2001" at the Künstlerhaus Vienna
Exhibition, 2001

Copy Shop

Künstlerhaus Wien presents "Copy Shop" together with a short "making of" and numerous original paper frames as an installation in the passage gallery of the Künstlerhaus. Opening on 21 November 2001 at 19:00 in the presence of Virgil Widrich.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2001

Museum Ladin – Media stations

The multimedia station "Historical Panorama" portrays their history using video animations and audio commentaries in four languages; the interactive "Language Atlas"offers entertaining insights into the Ladin language.
Exhibition, checkpointmedia, 2001

Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition 2001 – Media stations

checkpointmedia was responsible for developing the majority of the media stations and the hardware and software.
Exhibition, 2000


This automat, based on the theory of relativity, allows viewers for the first time to modify their perception of the familiar relation between space and time by experiencing time in a transverse flow to their spatial movements.
Exhibition, 1999

100 Media Stations for Technisches Museum Wien

Large-screen projections and video loops, audio stations, interactive mini-cinemas, selectable videos, interactive terminals and Internet research stations enrich and supplement the permanent exhibition.
Exhibition, Film screening, 1999


National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford, Great Britain, permanent exhibition
Exhibition, Film screening, Lecture, 1998


Presentation at the IST 98 exhibition, Digital Theatre, Austria Center Vienna, 30.11.1998, 15:30.
Exhibition, 1992

100 Objects to represent the world

Exhibition by Peter Greenaway on the occasion of the 300 anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the Vienna Hofburg, the Semper Depot and in the Academy of Fine Arts.