A foray into the world of
the Large Hadron ColliderAn exhibition of the
of Applied Arts Vienna (
Art & Science and
Site-Specific Art) in cooperation with
art@CMS and
– Institute of High Energy Physics).
Maybe some of you are familiar with the term 'Circuit Training'. It refers
to a programme of physical activities that work each section of our bodies individually. When one circuit of the programme
is done, either through coercion or (free) will, we begin the first exercise again for the next circuit. In order to probe
the fundamental structure of the universe, physicists have implemented a sophisticated circuit training for the basic constituents
of matter: accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before the beams are made to collide with each other. Detectors
observe and record the results of these collisions. We assume that those particles follow the instructions of physicists with
a mixture of obedience and free will…
In the context of the cooperation with art@CMS and HEPHY (Institute of High Energy
Physics), students of Art & Science and Site-Specific Art have explored the many facets that a large and multinational
institution like CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) encompasses. The wide-ranging investigations go from the
Large Hadron Collider to the small print of politics and economy, from particle accelerators to solid bureaucracy, from the
Big Bang to the growth of conspiracy theories. While roaming around CERN and becoming detectors ourselves, several questions
started circulating. How do these experiments and the images they produce transcend beyond screens and light beams into different
states of matter and the realities we live in? How will our artistic strategies develop in relation to the biggest camera
and microscope on our planet?
The outcomes are presented in the group exhibition at
weisse haus.
folder and
Opening: 6th June 2017, 19:00
Exhibition: 7th – 17th June 2017,
Tuesday to Friday, 13:00–19:00, Saturday 12:00–17:00, and on appointment
Accompanying programme: 9th June 2017
das weisse haus,
Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Vienna, Austria
With works by: Francesca Aldegani, Golnaz Bashiri, Rosie Benn-Squire, Daniela
Brill, Andreas Budak, Nora Drumeva, Cansu Ergün, Johanna Folkmann, Athanasios Gramosis, Lukas Gritzner, Natalia Gurova, Rafael
Lippuner, Júlia Mag, Marko Markovic, Benedikt Meixl, Frederique Neuts Leroy, Lala Nomada, Marina Rebhandl, Carmiña Tarilonte
Rodríguez, Denise Schellmann, Andrea Vezga
Concept and development: Brishty Alam, Valerie Deifel, Katrin Hornek,
Matilde Igual Capdevila, Bernd Kräftner, Paul Petritsch, Karl Salzmann, Virgil Widrich
In cooperation with: Brigitte
De Monte, Marko Dragicevic, Helmut Eberl, Michael Hoch, Josef Pradler, Jochen Schieck, Christoph Schwanda, Wolfgang Waltenberger