exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Künstlerhaus, Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Vienna
Exhibition duration:
June 24 to July 18, 2010
Opening hours: Tue to Sun, 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m., Thu 10:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
PrototypesAs part of the annual exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, which bears the title
"The Essence 10", from June 24 to July 18, 2010, the Digital Art Department will be presenting 15 pieces of work by digital
art graduates under the title "Hyperactive Prototypes" in the Künstlerhaus, Vienna.
The range of selected works on display
encompasses interactive and network-based installations, algorithmically designed sculptures, sensor-controlled objects, reactive
sound sculptures, sound environments and mobile sound installations.
The works are prototypes of differing
forms of artistic approach and media aesthetic realisation. They are the results of an experimental, artistic involvement
with a process-oriented spatial mediality determined by algorithms.
This catalogue is a concise record of the projects
presented. All the projects represent diploma artwork submitted by students during the academic year 2009/10. (Diploma
supervisors: DI Architect Nicolaj Kirisits, a.o.Univ.-Prof. Mag. art. Ruth Schnell and Univ.-Prof. Virgil Widrich).
Vienna, June 2010
Univ.-Prof. Virgil Widrich