The Essence17
exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
June 28
th to July 11
th, 2017. Opening June
th, 2017, 19:00.
Alte Post, Dominikanerbastei 11, 1010 Vienna
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday
14:00 to 18:00, Thursday 14:00 to 21:00.
Folder "The Essence17"
Artistic direction "Art & Science": Virgil Widrich
Scientific direction: Bernd
Assistance: Valerie Deifel, Brishty Alam
Diploma works
by Michaela Putz
"Traces of seemingly insignificant gestures" and Chris Swoon "Performance for Parerga".
Caring – Enactments
of Hetereogeneous Relationships, Research- and Publication project, 2015–2017
Project chair:
Bernd Kräftner
In collaboration with: Brishty Alam, Valerie Deifel
Research reports: Eleni Boutsika-Palles, Daniela
Brill, Ruben Gutzat, Anna Lerchbaumer,
Barbara Macek, Maria Panina, Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Marwa Sarah, Irene Zluwa