The Essence16
exhibition of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Opening June 30th, 2016, 19:00.
Alte Post, Dominikanerbastei
11, 1010 Vienna
Opening hours: 1 July to 15 July 2016, Monday to Tuesday from 14:00 to 18:00, Thursday 14:00 to 21:00,
closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Artistic direction "Art & Science": Virgil Widrich
direction: Bernd Kräftner
Assistance: Valerie Deifel, Brishty Alam
Diploma works by Margit Busch, Benedict
Endler, Maria Christina Hilber, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Adrijan Karavdic, Sebastian Kienzl, Stefanie Koemeda, Isidora Krstic,
Nemanja Popadic, Anna Sophie Santner, Al Teleki.
The exhibition at Essence16 is designed as a joint project of
the students.