Installation "Side by Side" at METRO Kinokulturhaus Vienna, 2017, photo: Virgil Widrich
Installation "Side by Side" at METRO Kinokulturhaus Vienna, 2017, photo: Virgil Widrich
Installation "Side by Side" at METRO Kinokulturhaus Vienna, 2017, photo: Virgil Widrich
Installation "Side by Side" at METRO Kinokulturhaus Vienna, 2017, photo: Virgil Widrich
Side by Side
The installation
"Side by Side" by the Austrian media artist Virgil Widrich highlights the fundamental differences between digital and analogue
films in terms of how they are created and perceived: the graininess and physical presence of the material are placed literally
side by side with the clean, calculated clinicalness of digital film images. A massive movie projector is juxtaposed with
a digital projector for home use. At the same time, the fragments of found footage assembled by the artist raise the question
of what changes to media mean for the language of film. Originally, the term "film" meant the flexible image carrier, the
film strip. Now, however, it refers to a set of creative possibilities, a form of art in which the image carrier has largely
become a data carrier. (Anna Högner)
The work "Side by Side" is shown at the exhibition "ANALOG_DIGITAL. Media
(Ex) changes" – a coproduction of Filmarchiv Austria and sound: frame.
METRO Kinokulturhaus, Johannesgasse
4, 1010 Vienna, 3.10.2017 to 28.01.2018, daily 3 pm to 9 pm
An installation
by Virgil Widrich Analog projection: Michael Kupica, Reinhard Pölzl Video projection: handmitauge Jakob Hütter,
Thomas Planitzer, Jakob Figo, Daniel Mathe, Martin Winterleitner, Hannah Besenhart
03. October 2017
– 28. January 2018
Conception of the media installation "Side by
Side" for the exhibition "ANALOG_DIGITAL. Media (Ex) changes" at METRO Kinokulturhaus, Vienna (October 3, 2017 to January
28, 2018).