The Essence12
Jahresausstellung der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Künstlerhaus, Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien
Ausstellungsdauer: 27. Juni 2012 bis 15. Juli 2012
Öffnungszeiten: Mo bis
Mi, Fr bis So: 10:00 bis 18:00, Do 10:00 bis 21:00.
The title Here and There refers to an on-going research
and investigation project of the students of the Art & Science master programme. At the beginning of the summer
semester, the programme entered into a cooperation phase with several scientific institutions in Austria, and students began
to perform ethnographic research, in various scientific fields of their choosing. Through means of participatory observation,
it was (and is) an attempt to deepen their understandings of research practices and scientific lifestyles.
Here and there
also relates to an oscillating emotional and intellectual (and epistemological) moving between world-views, disciplines, practices,
rituals, languages and theories. This travelling between art studio and scientific lab, artist and researcher, attempts to
give the students the opportunity to track down a matter of concern and to develop a research question, with the potential
to be elaborated into a master thesis. The work on display mirrors some of the experiences and reflexions of the participants
in these cooperations.
Künstlerische Leitung "Art & Science": Virgil Widrich
Leitung: Bernd Kräftner
Assistenz: Valerie Deifel, Juliana Herrero
Diplomprojekte "Art &
Ashley Holwell, "Object Concern Facilitator", 2012, Institutional role
Brigitte Zwick,
"REM", 2012
Gemeinschaftsarbeit: "Here and There. Experiences from On-Site Research"
Bachhofer, Pepa Bugueiro Domingo, Solmaz Farhang, Anna Frida Jónsdóttir, Paola Otero, Václav Pelousek, Konstantinos Politis,
Anita Peretti, Moritz Resl, Zhinous Rowshan, Julia Rublow, Sabina Teichert
Dank an Tom Battin (Department of Limnology
at the University of Vienna), Gyula Gajdon (Messerli Forschungsinstitut/Kea Lab/Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien), Calin
Guet (Guet Group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria), Franz Kainberger (Department of Diagnostic Radiology
at the Medical University Vienna), Nestor Kapusta (Department of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy at the Medical University
Vienna), Chris Walzer (Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), and the Department
of Building Physics and Building Ecology at the Vienna University of Technology.