Buchumschlag, Grafik: Pepa Bugueiro Domingo, David Palme
Buchseite, Grafik: Pepa Bugueiro Domingo, David Palme

An envelope for arts, sciences, politics and us

Mixing realities and mediating myths & methods
Herausgeber: Valerie Deifel, Bernd Kräftner, Virgil Widrich

Sealed in the book/envelope are a variety of thoughts, images, considerations, and theoretical references about the immediate and broader context of establishing an Art & Science class at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Two main sources of material are combined: first, contributions that document the development of the department; and second, contributions by invited guests and interesting positions that refer to a wider art/science field. The compiled materials reflect upon experimental investigations into the reality of production of systems, discourses, and institutional structures. The book contributes to the questions of how artistic and scientific methods and practices relate to each other, and how these relations can be enriched and transformed.
Abstract by Valerie Deifel
Mit Beiträgen von:
Michael Bachhofer, Thomas Bugnyar, Pepa Bugueiro Domingo, Oron Catts, Alin Cîrstea, Sarah Duit, Romana Egartner, Anna Fatér, Rudolf Friemel, Nikolaus Gansterer, Michaela Grass, Martin Groedl, Juliana Herrero, Tom Holert, Ashley Holwell, Anna Fríða Jónsdóttir, Bernd Kräftner, Bruno Latour, Michael Marencik, Iulian Moise, David Palme, Valérie Pihet, Leon Ploszczanski, Johanna Schaffer, Waltraud Schartmüller, Richard Schwarz, Wolfgang Schwarzenbrunner, Manuel Stark, Sabina Teichert, Beniamin Urbanek, Victoria Vesna, Andrea Weidlich, Virgil Widrich, Brigitte Zwick

Buch design:
Pepa Bugueiro Domingo, David Palme

Valerie Deifel, Bernd Kräftner, Virgil Widrich

Erschienen im November 2011 bei "Edition Angewandte" der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien im Verlag SpringerWienNewYork,
English, Softcover, 244 Seiten, 155 Illustrationen, 98 in Farbe, ISBN 978-3-7091-0989-2