Hands on Media – CD-ROM
The CD-ROM "Hands on Media" presents a short cross-section
through the works and services of music media (Thomas Kerbler, programming, music), Tonstudio Saturn (Hermann Langschwert,
sound design), AV-Consult KEG (Stefan Unger, audio and video solutions), Checkbox (Stefan Reiter, multimedia – text – project
management) und Virgil Widrich Film- und Multimediaproduktions G.m.b.H. (Virgil Widrich, concept, production) in the
field of multimedia. Particular attention was paid to the latest joint major project: the multimedia stations of the re-opened
Technisches Museum Wien.
"Hands on Media" introduces a network of specialists, who join together for each project
in a specially tailored Association. Resorting to a large know-how pool, they always comply with the various needs and customer
System Requirements:
Internet (Netscape or Explorer version 4.0 or later)
120 MHz PowerPC
(recommended: 200 MHz or faster)
Mac OS 8.1 (recommended: OS 8.6 or later)
32 MB RAM (Recommended: 64 MB or more)
Screen resolution of 800 x 600 with thousands of colours
Concept: Stefan Reiter, Thomas
Kerbler, Hermann Langschwert, Stefan Unger, Virgil Widrich
Programming: Thomas Kerbler
Graphic design: Michael Haderer