story: A woman is killed in a Restaurant and served to the guests.
Written and directed by Virgil
Widrich Screenplay: Stefan Grüner Cast: Libgart Schwarz (Erna Spitzauer), Hans Widrich (Waiter) Statisten:
Gerheid Widrich, Theresa Widrich, Mechtild Widrich, Gusti Kupelwieser, Laura Fainsilber
22. August 1980
Completion of the sound editing.
12. August 1980
Completion of the image editing.
14. June 1980 – 01.
August 1980
Filming for "Fried Meat" on 14. and 22.6., 25.7. and
1.8.1980 in Salzburg on the Mönchsberg.
14. June 1980 – 22.
August 1980
"Gebratenes Fleisch", a story of crime and cannibalism
inspired by Roald Dahl, is shot in Summer.