A lot of it, in DIN A4 format and DIN A3 for more complicated folding models. 80 gram strength so it can easily be folded.
Printed 80.000 pages in 18 months. It still functions!
Again a lot of it, for a total cost of appr. € 12.000,-
Adobe After Effects ®
This program is used to cut the original movies before printout and to put together the still pictures after being photographed.
Folding tool
This tool is used to create sharp edges. Helps to preserve the finger nails.
Were not used that often, most of the paper was torn...
...or sawed to achieve a nice rough edge.
Fast Film was not really filmed, but rather photographed using a Canon EOS D30 digital still camera with 2.048 x 1.536 pixel resolution - enough for a 2K exposure on a 35 mm negative film.
Hard disks
Maxtor disks using a FireWire interface, appr. 1 terabyte for the entire movie.
Hand cream
The most important tool for the 24 hands folding the 65.000 paper models within 1 year.